Jamie Dawn is a professional psychic advisor trusted by clients all over the world to provide valued insights and advice in their business, personal and spiritual affairs.
Jamie's inkling of her abilities started at an early age making magic mud pies and potions with her ''imaginary friends'' and from the cosmic perspective, nurturing higher spiritual awareness is not only in her heart, it is literally in her stars.
With previous lives as a banker, project manager and corporate leader, Jamie is intuitively qualified to advise clients on relationship, business and financial matters. Never settling for the status quo, she blends her gifts of Clairvoyance, Claircognizance, Clairaudience and Mediumship with the discipline of professionalism to the benefit of her clients and the world. Eventually answering her true calling, Jamie was divinely inspired to leave the corporate world and joyfully follow her bliss into the realm of spirit.
Love is Jamie's true superpower. She naturally creates a safe space for confidential conversations and is known for practicing conscious and compassionate speech with her clients. She listens to your spirit guides, taps deeply into her intuition, leverages oracles and communicates to you ''what she's getting'' in a direct, loving and no nonsense manner. As she is getting information you need to receive from your most intimate sources, Jamie promises to never only tell you what you want to hear.
A self proclaimed ''spiritual geek'' always learning and growing, Jamie, devours the metaphysical bookshelves. She is also a personal student of Master Astrologer Alan Oken and graduate and avid staff member of Dr. Gay Luce's Nine Gates Mystery School. Truly believing in the mind, body and spirit connection, Jamie is a prolific meditator, certified personal trainer, adores Yoga, and is a certified level I and II Usai Reiki practitioner.
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